Needs Work
The Good: The sprites and sound! The sprite customizing was done pretty well and the backgrounds looked great. When there was sound and sound effects, they worked well.
The Bad: Animation! In the opening scene, there are two moving sprites, but they float a bit too much. Find a solid anchor point for them so when they're supposed to be moving in place, they stay in the same spot. There is also hardly any real animation to be found in this piece; there are too many static figures which makes it boring to look at.
The Ugly: Pacing! This piece would also benefit a great deal from voice acting. The story drags too much and becomes very boring. Having to space bar between all the dialogue only makes it worse. Even if you don't have a mic, check the Voice Acting Club in the Clubs and Crews forum. They'll be able to send you sound files you can simply add to your cartoon once you send them the script with some direction on how to read the lines. A good voice actor could help make your cartoon more interesting.
I can appreciate the effort and the story you're trying to tell, but this piece falls short. I wish you the best of luck on your next project.