Valiant Effort
PROS - You know what it is to put time, patience and dedication into a project! That's something not many animators do around here. You've got the goods! The ripped sprites were excellent! You did a bang up job in keeping them crisp & clean. The animation was flawless! It's hard to come by sprite toons that don't look choppy or ruin the animation in some way. You've tackled this very well! Your backgrounds looked awesome and the blur effect was perfect.
CONS - Don't ever assume the voices can be "easily ignored due to the prescence of subtitles." If they're in the piece, they're a part of it and are subject to criticism. They didn't carry any emotion and sounded as if they were recorded a bit too close to the mic. If you're going to have a character yelling, really yell. The story dragged because there was a poor sense of pacing. Some action scenes lasted a bit too long and became distracting.
Overall, this was a good, solid effort! You show skill and great promise as a Flash animator. If you put a little more study & practice into your script writing and pacing, your stories will be much more exciting! I've come to that conclusion after watching this project and reading some of your fan fiction. It's definitely a start! Best of luck in future projects! I look forward to them!